General Article Is banter bullying?

Topic Selected: Bullying Book Volume: 380
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We all like a good lol. But does everyday banter ever become bullying? Is there a line and does it get crossed? NCS grads, Charlotte and Jazmyn, take on the debate.

By Jazmyn Elizabeth, Charlotte Symons and NCS (National Citizen Service)

Jazmyn: Banter is not bullying

‘Banter’ is a modern term that has grown popular over the last few years, usually in reference to the act of mocking or disparaging a friend, sometimes an acquaintance.

One might argue that what may be harmless to one may be hurtful to another.

However, I’m of the opinion that as a generation we are becoming too sensitive. We shut down anyone with differing opinions to us; we are labelled as bigots if we have a tougher political stance; we are frowned upon for making controversial jokes, or black comedy. And now we can’t even tease people?

The truth is, while at a glance jocular insults at another’s expense may seem mean, they actually do something really special. They stop us from taking ourselves too seriously and ...

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