General Article School children favour vaping over smoking or taking drugs

Topic Selected: Vaping Book Volume: 428

Fewer school children are smoking or taking drugs, but vaping use among 11 to 15-year-olds is increasing, a study from NHS Digital finds.

In 2021, 9% of school children aged 11 to 15 years old report vaping on a regular or occasional basis. This comes at an increase of 6% since 2018.

Which children are vaping?

The report found that 1 in 5 UK 15-year-old girls vape and 18% of all 15-year-olds are current e-cigarette users.

Statistics revealed that 23% of children who met people outside of school or the home every day were vaping, compared to 1% of those who didn’t venture out socially.

In the UK, the number of people considered regular smokers and e-cigarette users more than doubled, from 29% of regular smokers in 2018 to 61% in 2021.

‘I wake up with a tight chest every morning’

Priscilla, a source for Open Access Government, explained that she first started vaping at 15 years old and like many other children, has been addicted ever since. Now at 21 years old, she comments on her sym...

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