General Article The fight against ultra-processed foods and food labelling loopholes!

Topic Selected: Obesity Book Volume: 436

By Vandana Chatlani, BANT Registered Nutritionist® NT Dip, mBANT, rCNHC

Reducing obesity and metabolic disease depends on a return to real food and a culture of nutritious eating. Reading ingredient labels and avoiding marketing traps can empower us to make healthier choices.

But can we escape the junk food cycle?

More than 50% of foods consumed in the UK are ultra-processed according to research. These include packaged breads, breakfast cereals, reconstituted meat products, ready meals, confectionery, biscuits, cakes, pastries, industrial chips, soft drinks and fruit juices.

Our current food climate is dominated by ultra-processed foods which fuel metabolic dysregulation through their high fat, salt and sugar content (HFSS). These are pushed by BIG Food; multinational conglomerates that monopolise food production and distribution putting profit ahead of consumer health and wellbeing. As a nation, the UK has become addicted to sickly sweetened food and drinks and highly processed fo...

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