General Article Will an increase in youth vaping derail the UK’s commitment to a smoke-free future?

Topic Selected: Vaping Book Volume: 428

By Dr. Nveed Chaudhary, Chief Scientific and Regulatory Officer at Broughton.

The last couple of months has seen the release of two key surveys highlighting a rise in youth vaping in the UK. This is important news not least because nobody wants to see an increase in the use of nicotine-based products by young people, but also because the UK regulatory authorities and politicians have taken a proactive approach in championing the benefits of next-generation nicotine delivery products (NGPs) to support tobacco harm reduction and help achieve the country’s tobacco-free goals by 2030 (i.e., a national smoking rate of less than 5%).

If the UK is now experiencing an epidemic of ‘youth vaping’ as many media headlines have suggested, will the UK regulatory authorities need to revisit their pro-NGP position?

Do the media headlines tell the full story?

The Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) Survey – The Use of E-cigarettes by young people in Great Britain (published July 7, 2022) is based on ...

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