Educational Resources on Media

What do our Media resources cover?

We look at the advantages and disadvantages of our permanently switched on and connected society.  We cover social media and social networking, sexualisation, trolling, digital footprints, digital dependency, online personas, celebrity culture and censorship among many other topics associated with this huge and ever-expanding subject area.

Explore our Media topics: 

Why is teaching Media important?

Teaching Media helps students to develop their creative, analytical, research, and communication skills. It also encourages them to reflect on their own relationship with different media forms and to critically evaluate everything they are presented with before deciding to use, buy or believe it.

How can our Media resources be used?

We provide a selection of articles, infographics, government reports and statistics from a variety of sources. Teachers, students and parents can use these resources to find information for coursework, for guidance in setting assignments or inspiring discussion in the classroom or at home.

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