14 Day Free Trial

Fill in your details below for a no-obligation 14-day trial

Get started with your free trial

The free trial is for educational professionals only, such as school/college staff and teachers. 

If you are student, please contact your college or school for access.

Note: You need a valid email address to gain access to the free trial. 

Trial Limits and Extension

Please note that there is 5 article limit on the free trial.

Teachers, librarians and other employees of educational organisations can apply for an extended trial. Please email issues@independence.co.uk for further information.

GDPR and Privacy

You can be safe in the knowledge that should you send us an enquiry, your details are not provided to third parties and we are governed by GDPR rules in terms of requests to provide, amend or remove your data. Please see our Privacy Policy page for more information.

We will send you an email with your temporary username and password - feel free to forward this to any colleagues you feel may be interested in the resource.

Sign up now for a no obligation FREE TRIAL and view the entire collection