England, Wales and Scotland
In England, Wales and Scotland abortion is legal if you are less than 24 weeks pregnant and if two doctors agree that it is necessary for one of the following reasons:
- having a baby would upset your mental or physical health more than having an abortion. This means you need to explain how you feel the pregnancy would affect your life to a doctor;
- having the baby would harm the mental or physical health of any children you already have.
An abortion is also legal at any time in pregnancy if two doctors agree that:
- an abortion is necessary to save your life
- an abortion would prevent serious permanent harm to your mental or physical health
- there is a high risk that the baby would be seriously handicapped.
The number of weeks pregnant you are is calculated from the first day of your last period. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know exactly, a doctor will help you work it out.
Northern Ireland
Unfortunately, abortion is not legal in Northern Ireland. The onl...
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