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Topic Selected: Gender Equality Book Volume: 364
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... when parents are helping children understand gender equality

What parents do, as well as what they say matters a great deal when it comes to children forming opinions about gender roles later on in life, says new research which uses longitudinal data from Understanding Society and its predecessor the British Household Panel Survey (BHPS).

The research published in the European Sociological Review discovered whether saying or doing makes more of an impact when it comes to shaping children’s attitudes to gender roles. For example, if a child saw their father doing the housework at home, are they more likely to form a better attitude towards gender equality later in adulthood?

The team from the London School of Economics used data from Understanding Society and its predecessor, the British Household Panel Survey and focused on British children aged between 11 and 15. All Understanding Society participants aged 10-15 fill in a multitopic paper questionnaire every year.

The main samp...

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