General Article AI is the most dangerous technology we’ve ever invented

Topic Selected: Artificial Intelligence Book Volume: 434

There is no known way to make sure that artificially intelligent systems behave in our interests. That’s a huge problem.

By Zvi Mowshowitz

Last week Geoffrey Hinton, the ‘Godfather of AI’, left Google to join the chorus of people warning about the dangers posed by artificial intelligence and large language models (LLMs), and to urge us not to scale up such systems further. Hinton now predicts AIs may be smarter than humans within 5 to 20 years. He is concerned that they will learn unexpected behaviors from vast amounts of data, potentially posing a threat to humanity. In the shorter term, he also worries about lost jobs, societal disruption, misinformation, deepfakes and use by bad actors or in weapon systems. 

Artificial intelligence holds great promise. AI could make us far more productive and free us from drudgery. It could help us navigate our lives, make us smarter, develop new medical treatments, find solutions for climate change, and provide endless customised entertainment. ...

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