General Article A-Z of bereavement

Topic Selected: Bereavement Book Volume: 407


Anger is a very normal feeling when someone in your family has died. Angry at the person who has died, other people in the family, yourself, doctors, God.


Being ‘bereaved’ is one way of describing what you are when someone close to you has died.  


You might not understand grief – it is a confusing time for everyone. It can help to talk to someone else in your family, a teacher or a professional. 


At a time when you really need to sleep, you may find yourself troubled by difficult dreams. 


Your emotions will be all over the place when someone you care about has died. You may feel lots of different things – sad, angry, confused, worried, relieved, fed up. You may feel all of these at the same time.   


Funerals give us a chance to say goodbye and are a time to think about the person who died. You may not be sure whether or not you want to attend. It’s okay, either way.  


Guilt is normal – it may follow if the bereaved perso...

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