General Article Being bullied as an adult: breaking the silence

Topic Selected: Anti-Bullying Book Volume: 450

When most people hear the word ‘bullying,’ they often think of school playgrounds or teenagers in high school. But bullying doesn’t end when you become an adult. It can happen in many settings, such as the workplace, in relationships, and even within families. Adult bullying is real, and it can be just as harmful as childhood bullying – sometimes even more so because people often don’t talk about it.

Let’s explore what adult bullying looks like, the emotional toll it takes, and how to confront it in different areas of life: the workplace, relationships, and families.

Workplace bullying

Many adults spend a significant portion of their time at work, and the workplace can sometimes turn into a toxic environment. Workplace bullying is when a colleague, manager, or even a group of people repeatedly belittle, humiliate, or intimidate someone. It’s not just about disagreements or occasional harsh words; bullying in the workplace is persistent, harmful, and can cause long-lasting damage.


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