General Article Being LGB or T at school

Topic Selected: Sexuality and Gender
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Which children are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT)?

The short answer is that you cannot tell from looking at someone whether or not they identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT). LGBT people come from all walks of life, are black, brown, white and all shades in between, achieve across all levels of educational attainment, may or may not be disabled; they make up part of the broad spectrum of humanity. Some children may look or dress differently to their peers but this, in itself, does not mean that they identify as LGBT, or that they will when they are older. Some children may not have thought about their sexual or gender identities yet, while others may be unsure. For some, their sexual or gender identity may change over time. Children who have LGBT parents/carers are no more, and no less, likely than children with heterosexual or gender-normative (see footnote on p8) parents/carers to be LGBT themselves. It is also important to recognise that there is...

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