General Article Benefits of aunts: why aunts may be just as important as mums

Topic Selected: Families and Parenting Book Volume: 417

It’s no surprise that having a positive female role model is extremely important for young girls. This is especially true in the current world of social media, bullying and the ever-changing, progressing ‘norms’ for women.

The impact that a supportive, playful and nurturing woman can have on a young girl is astounding. An aunt is the perfect blend of mother and friend – she is part of a young girl’s roots – but allows her to flourish and discover new things comfortably.

This is exactly why aunts play such a significant role in the lives of young girls, even into their adulthood. And in case you’re wondering… aunts don’t have to be biological relatives, either. Any nurturing adult woman serves as an impactful aunt for young girls.

Benefits of aunts: what makes the aunt-niece relationship so special?

An aunt serves as a trusted female mentor a young girl can turn to when her parents are physically or emotionally unavailable. Melanie Notkin, founder of Savvy Auntie and bestselling auth...

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