Take a sniff to get smashed? It’s quicker, cheaper, more effective, and apparently, hangover free! What’s more, in an increasingly diet obsessed society, ditching swigging in favour of ‘inhaling’ has the added bonus of having a null calorie count. However, like all dieting fads, this latest drinking trend has inherent drawbacks and health risks which are potentially fatal.
Smoking shots and fizzing cocktails have become a standard feature in clubs across the world, and novelty and excess in alcohol consumption have seemingly inherent appeal in today’s drinking culture. But recently a growing number of people have rejected the liquid component of a drunken night out altogether. Since a commercial device for converting liquid alcohol into vapour first appeared online in 2004, alcohol without liquid (AWOL) has increasingly ingratiated itself as a stronger, faster, and cooler way to enjoy a boozy night out. Videos demonstrating how to build and use a variety of homemade vaporising mach...
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