General Article Bullying in the workplace

Topic Selected: Bullying
This article is 9 years old. Click here to view the latest articles for this topic.

What can I do about being bullied or harassed?

If you are being bullied or harassed, you should take any action you decide upon as quickly as possible. It is always best to try to resolve this informally in the first instance as sometimes a quick word can be all it takes. However, if this fails there are a number of options to consider:

  • see someone who you feel comfortable with to discuss the problem, perhaps someone in HR or a company counsellor
  • talk to your trade union or staff representative
  • keep a diary of all incidents, record: dates, times, witnesses, etc.
  • keep any relevant letter, emails, notes, etc.

Why should I as an employer act against bullying or harassment?

Bullying and harassment create an unhappy and unproductive workplace where you may have:

  • poor morale and poor employee relations
  • loss of respect for managers or supervisors
  • poor performance/lost productivity
  • absence/resignations
  • tribunal and other court cases and payment of unlimited compensation.
  • ...

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