As Belgium shows, it doesn’t take long for a nation to normalise death on demand.
By Ian Birrell
It is largely accepted in the modern democratic world that people have the right to do as they determine with their bodies and their lives. We permit competent adults to make many important choices such as sleeping with whom they want, altering their appearance with cosmetic surgery, having an abortion or changing gender. Many things that were once taboo have rapidly become normalised.
So should we let individuals make the ultimate decision: to control the timing and nature of their own death when they have debilitating and terminal health conditions?
This question cuts to the heart of our humanity and rights. Several places in North America and Europe already permit death-on-demand in different forms. Now, as pressure grows for reform in the UK, often driven by powerful testimonies from terminally-ill people, the influential Royal College of Physicians is polling its 35,000 members on w...
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