General Article Child-free by choice: The birth rate crisis gripping the West

Topic Selected: Population Book Volume: 435

With increasing numbers of women rejecting motherhood, governments are left scrambling to try and encourage a baby boom.

By Rosa Silverman

You’ve slept in, woken up to a tidy home, it’s quiet, and you’ve got the rest of the day to potter around, no interruptions. A child-free life is a good life.’ The message floats over a video that captures a scene of serene domesticity. Posted on TikTok a few days ago, it has already racked up more than 100,000 views.

The video’s creator, ‘Danni “childfree” Duncan’, is among those who have helped turn the decision not to have children into something of a movement, complete with its own hashtags (#childfreebychoice and #nothavingkids).

There are thousands of other young women posting similar content, including Nina, who sarcastically challenges the notion that as a #childfreemillennial she’s bound to feel ‘sad and worthless’, while playing a montage of her gloriously child-free travels to make her point. (Trigger warning: such videos are best avoi...

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