General Article Come together, right now: countries are working with neighbours like never before

Topic Selected: Globalisation
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Come together, right now: countries are working with neighbours like never before

Nicola Yeates, The Open University

The European Union has never been so unpopular among its member populations; for many political parties across the continent, the whole EU project of integration and co-operation is dying, or was a mistake in the first place.

So it may come as surprise that, all over the world, deeper regional integration is favoured as a promising solution to a range of seemingly intractable social problems.

Across South America, Africa, Asia and Europe the potential development dividends of strengthening regional social regulation, social standards, social rights and redistribution have gained significant ground. From international organisations through to governments, labour and peoples’ movements, regional co-operation is at the heart of major political and social reforms.

This was not always the case: regionalism’s traditionally limited ambitions usually meant little more than cr...

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