Assisted dying is allowed in a growing number of countries – but not the UK.
By James Ashford
Euthanasia is illegal under English law, but the number of countries where it is permitted is growing.
Those in favour say that in a civilised society, people should be able to choose when they are ready to die and should be helped if they are unable to end their lives on their own.
But some critics take a moral stance against euthanasia and assisted suicide, saying life is given by God and only God can take it, says the BBC. Others think that laws allowing euthanasia could be abused and people who didn’t want to die could be killed.
The terminology around euthanasia is sometimes inconsistently applied, but there is a difference between euthanasia, assisted suicide and assisted dying, says The Guardian.
Euthanasia refers to an instance where active steps are taken to end someone’s life, but the fatal act is carried out by someone else, such as a doctor.
Assisted suicide is when someone take...
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