General Article Disabled people 'hit by multiple benefit cuts'

Topic Selected: Disabilities
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The charity says the Government’s welfare reforms will lead to up to 3.7 million disabled people losing a total of £28.3 billion by 2018.

A study carried out by the think tank Demos for Scope looks at cuts to disability living allowance (DLA), employment and support allowance (ESA), housing benefit and the so-called ‘bedroom tax’.

It reaches the conclusion that the changes, which come into effect in April, will hit ‘the same group of disabled people over and over again’.

Scope Chief Executive Richard Hawkes told Channel 4 News: ‘It’s a bleak picture. It seems incredible that just a little over six months ago we were talking about the Paralympics having changed the way we see disability. What’s happened?

‘The Paralympics were a breakthrough moment. Disability had never been so visible, so talked about.

‘At the moment it’s not the done thing to say the state needs to spend money. But if we want to live in a country where disabled people can pay the bills, can live independently i...

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