General Article Expert opinion: misogyny against women and girls is everyone’s responsibility, and government respon

Topic Selected: Sexism Book Volume: 427

There has been an outpouring of grief, anger and further sharing of stories by women expressing how they feel unsafe in public spaces due to harassment by men in the aftermath of the abduction and murder of Sarah Everard. Associate Professor Loretta Trickett, Nottingham Law School, and Professor Louise Mullany, University of Nottingham, discuss what this tells us about women’s safety in our current society.

The resurgence of the ‘Reclaim the Night’ marches, not just this weekend but over the last few years, and the #metoo movement tells us that women have had enough. We still live in a society where women are routinely harassed in public spaces by strangers who feel entitled to sexually objectify them and make them feel unsafe. The latest UN Women UK study found that 98% of all young women had been subject to harassment. This accords directly with our own research evaluation of the then ‘controversial’ misogyny hate crime policy brought in by Nottinghamshire Police, where gendered t...

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