General Article Facing up to the global energy crisis

Topic Selected: Energy Book Volume: 413

The war in Ukraine has laid bare how energy resources are intertwined with political power and international security, plus how reliant we still are on fossil fuels to power our daily lives. This new podcast episode explores how we got to this point and what the future holds.

By Julie Weldon

In the latest episode in the WORLD: we got this podcast series, experts from our Faculty of Social Science & Public Policy look at global energy interdependence and what recent events reveal about how energy affects the social, political and economic order in Russia and the rest of the world.

The episode also looks at what China is doing to move away from its past reliance on coal to power its economic growth. And our experts explore what are the obstacles for many countries to transition away from fossil fuels onto renewable energy sources.

The revenue from the export of oil and gas that is usually referred to as ‘rent’ is a key source of income for Russia’s federal budget - making up more than...

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