General Article 'Family man'

Topic Selected: Gender Equality
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By Adrienne Burgess, Head of Research, Fatherhood Institute

‘Because my wife works, I don’t need to put in the long hours my father did. My children are teenagers now and we’ve been close right from the beginning. We have these massive rows with time to make up and talk things through. I don’t know why anyone would do it – work such long hours they don’t have time for all that. I feel sorry for most men: they don’t know what it’s like to be at the centre of the kitchen.’
Terry, 49, father-of-two

The OCADO research

In light of the clear associations between uptake of paternity leave and involved fatherhood; and between involved fatherhood and men’s greater participation in family work, including childcare, cooking and shopping – plus the new entitlement of ‘additional paternity leave’ available to fathers whose babies are due on or after 3 April 2011 – OCADO decided to commission research.
This, among other things, asked questions never asked before about UK fathers’ uptake of pate...

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