The perfect shopping trip involves a four-hour trawl around stores, one cup of posh coffee and a cake – and a modest £117.32 dent in the bank balance, it has been revealed. Researchers, who polled 2,000 women who are regular shoppers, also found the ideal expedition to the local shopping centre would include a 25-minute journey leading to the purchase of seven items.
Finding something you’ve wanted for ages in a sale and discovering you can comfortably fit into a garment one size smaller than you usually wear are also essential.
Vouchers and gift cards to spend to the tune of £60 and not having to queue for longer than six minutes also make a shopping trip idyllic for women.
The study shows women like to shop on the high street fortnightly, preferably alone rather than in the company of friends.
A spokesman for Gift Card & Voucher Week, which commissioned the research, said:
The simple fact of the matter is that women absolutely love shopping, and so are happy to traipse around hi...
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