General Article Glass ceiling 'still a barrier to top jobs'

Topic Selected: Gender Equality
This article is 9 years old. Click here to view the latest articles for this topic.
  • Three-quarters of women believe that the glass ceiling still exists.
  • Half of women support the introduction of quotas vs a quarter of men.
  • Lower confidence and ambition are impeding women leaders’ careers.

Almost three-quarters of women (73%) believe the glass ceiling exists and say there are still barriers for women looking to be appointed to senior management and board-level positions in the UK, according to research by the Institute of Leadership & Management released today (21 February 2011). In contrast, just 38% of men believe there is a glass ceiling.
Nearly 3,000 managers were surveyed for the report, Ambition and Gender at Work, which reveals that over a third of women (36%) feel that their gender has hindered their career progression. This figure rises to almost half (44%) among those women over the age of 45.
With Lord Davies’ review on gender equality in Britain’s boardrooms due this week, the research asked whether quotas hold the answer to increasing the number of...

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