General Article Go online in 2012 and have fun - but think safety first

Topic Selected: Internet
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CEOP’s reports can involve Internet abuse, making arrangements to meet a child online or a child in immediate danger.
The New Year will see more and more children go online, many for the first time using Christmas gifts of laptops, games consoles or mobile phones.
The Internet is essential for the UK’s children, with latest OFCOM findings revealing that 95 per cent of 12–15-year-olds now have Internet access at home through a PC or laptop (up from 89 per cent in 2010). Over two in five 12–15s have a smartphone, with social networking one of the most popular activities, undertaken by 50% of teen smartphone owners on a regular basis. Yet many children and young people still go online, without thinking about the consequences of their actions.
Peter Davies, CEO of CEOP and ACPO lead for child protection commented:
‘The Internet offers some fantastic opportunities for young people to learn, socialise with friends and explore their interests. All we are saying is have fun online and enjoy the...

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