General Article Has equalities legislation gone too far?

Topic Selected: Religion
This article is 9 years old. Click here to view the latest articles for this topic.

A ComRes survey published today suggests that the case of Owen and Eunice Johns (the Christian couple seeking to provide foster care in Derby) has prompted a significant shift in public opinion. The poll also highlights considerable public dissatisfaction with the current ‘Equalities’ framework and has prompted calls for urgent review and revision of the underlying legislation.

Following extensive media coverage of the case, only 30% of British adults now agree with the statement ‘would-be foster carers who hold that homosexual activity is morally wrong should be banned from fostering’, representing a fall of ten percentage points since the question was last asked, before the case hit the headlines following the high court judgment in March 2011.

Interestingly, the change in sentiment was most marked amongst those in the AB social grouping with support for the ban dropping by over a third, leaving only 23% in agreement.

The survey also revealed that the majority of the British pu...

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