I just read with interest that 41% of charity heads expect to see an improvement within their organisation as well as in the sector within the next year, and that compares to just 25% who expect it to worsen. These figures are according to data collected by the National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NVCO).
So who’s right or wrong? My guess and own opinion is that it will be the 41% who expect to see the growth and let’s look at some reasons why.
Social Charity Army
Looking through my Facebook and Twitter, I see just about everyone I know doing something for a good cause. Yes, we’ve just had the London Marathon but there have been ample of competitions, causes and events that people have been getting involved with.
Who can forget the recent flurry of ‘no make-up selfies’ for Cancer Research, which dominated the pages of Facebook for weeks. The Facebook share and like buttons in all honesty must have been a godsend for many charities out there, who can now rely on the go...
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