In this guest blog, ellaOne®’s senior brand manager, Emma Marsh, highlights how education and access to emergency contraception can play a crucial role in helping prevent unplanned pregnancy.
Condom split? Missed pill? Caught in the moment?
Whatever the reason, if you’ve had unprotected sex you could be at risk of pregnancy. But there is no need to panic and you certainly should not feel alone.
In research conducted by ellaOne®, 46% of women between the ages of 18–35 had unprotected sex in the last year, yet only 27% of those women took the morning-after pill. There are many reasons for three quarters (73%) of women skipping emergency contraception and risking unplanned pregnancy, including: embarrassment, misinformation and accessibility.
To reduce the risk of an unplanned pregnancy, it is wise to seek emergency contraception as soon as possible. You can either choose to take a morning-after pill, such as ellaOne®, or have a copper IUD fitted. The copper IUD, sometimes called the ...
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