General Article Most Britons say schools should provide school uniforms to families

Topic Selected: Education Book Volume: 423

By Joanna Morris, Data Journalist

Britons tend to support compulsory school uniforms

Most Britons believe children should wear uniforms to school – and nearly two-thirds say schools should help to provide them, according to a new YouGov Political Research survey.

Almost two thirds (65%) say that uniforms for secondary school pupils (children aged 11-16) should be compulsory, while 49% say they should be mandatory in primary schools (ages 4-11).

But the cost of clothing a child in full school uniform can run into hundreds of pounds every year, with added costs for every growth spurt along the way. Recent research by the Children’s Society found the average yearly spend in 2020 was £337 for secondary school children and £315 for primary pupils.

In November 2021, the government introduced statutory guidance to help families cope with the cost by requiring branding - such as school logos - to be kept to a minimum, allowing parents to buy cheaper items from supermarkets and shops rather...

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