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Topic Selected: Crime and Justice
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Helping ex-offenders to find employment is key to helping people reintegrate into society. As a provider of services to offenders, we commissioned ReputationInc (a leading reputation management consultancy) to conduct a research study, and this report presents our findings. Following a review of previous research, we identified the main issues which affect the employment rate of ex-offenders. This helped to develop and inform our primary research, examining the views of employers when considering ex-offenders for vacancies. We also conducted a series of interviews with UK employers and an online survey of 300 UK employers. The key findings and recommendations to come from the research follow.

Exploring the relationship between employment and offending

The review of previous research on offenders and employment found that:

  • Over 17% of the UK population between the ages of 18 and 52 have a criminal conviction.
  • Reoffending has been estimated to cost the UK around £11 billion pe...

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