A new review, social media tragedies, and tips to protect you and your family.
By Alli Spotts-De Lazzer, MA, LMFT, LPCC, CEDS-C
Your social media may be baiting you to watch content that can exacerbate body dissatisfaction. That’s according to a new review by Harriger and colleagues in the Body Image journal. Body dissatisfaction contributes to various problems, such as low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, eating and body image struggles, eating disorders, and unhealthy lifestyle behaviours.
While seeking positive body image content, you may find your social media feeds suggesting unsupportive, even triggering content.
How might that happen? Algorithms are basically programmed instructions, and those instructions are typically unknown to a social media user.
Think about your favourite social networking platforms. There are probably places that suggest videos, news, accounts, etc., you might like. Of course, any user could think that those suggestions are based purely on their inter...
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