General Article Students expect to apply for 24 jobs to land a position

Topic Selected: Student Choices
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The economy may be improving but students expect to have to fill out an average of 24 job applications before landing a job, new research from YouGov shows.

As the new university year begins, the “School Leavers and Students’ First Jobs” report reveals the expectations for life after lectures of those in further and higher education. It finds that while those at university think they will have to apply for 26 jobs before they find employment, current sixth form students who plan to enter higher education are more optimistic, expecting to fill out 17 applications.

The report shows that sixth form students are also more optimistic about their earning power after graduation, believing they will take home more (£23,000) than those currently studying for degrees (£20,250) when they get their first job after university.

YouGov’s research finds that many young people realise the importance of workplace experience when entering the job market. Almost two thirds (64%) of school leavers th...

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