Across the UK, people are putting down the cigarettes and taking up the challenge of Stoptober. This is when, during October, people are encouraged to not smoke for 28 days. Studies have shown that if you’re able to go 28 days without a cigarette, you are five times more likely to quit for good.
When you first start thinking about quitting smoking, it can be easy to get overwhelmed. It can feel like such a big challenge to take on and you may not feel like you’re up to it.
However, rather than focus on the challenges you may face giving up smoking, you can remind yourself of all the things you can gain during the process. From improving your heart and lungs to having more energy and money. We’ve put together a list of how you could benefit from stopping smoking.
Every day you don’t smoke, you are taking a further step into living a healthier lifestyle. If you’re looking for some motivation into taking that first step with your stop smoking journey, then you’re in the right place.
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