General Article The lack of girls’ football in schools is shameful, Ian Wright was spot on

Topic Selected: Sport Book Volume: 411

Huge numbers of young Lionesses fans won’t have a football club to join in September – the gap in access between boys and girls is shocking.

By Katherine Lucas

Ian Wright could have been lost in the moment, while most of the nation was still lost in wonder at Alessia Russo.

While Sweet Caroline was ringing around Bramall Lane, nobody was thinking ‘what a state girls’ football is in this country’. There was no-one dwelling on how few girls will actually get to play football when this summer of celebration ends and they go back to school in September.

As Ellen White roared her way around the edge of the pitch, none of the fans she greeted were contemplating how unlikely this story was for the older players in this squad; that as youngsters, White, Luzy Bronze and Fran Kirby would not have even bothered to dream of playing in a sold-out European Championship final at Wembley.

But it is a conversation that has to happen. Wright was precisely the right person to raise it, because he has ...

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