General Article Tips to look after your mental health during scary world events

Topic Selected: Anxiety Book Volume: 422

Scary world news can affect our mental health. After learning about global events that cause uncertainty, you may feel fear, anxiety or a loss of control over your own life and plans. You may worry for the safety of strangers, loved ones or yourself. And if you have lived through similar events in the past, it may bring up traumatic memories.

Know that whatever you feel is valid. Know that we care about you and your mental health. And know that you are not alone in this.

We have created some advice to help you cope and support your loved ones during these uncertain times.

Stay informed, but be aware of your limits

Ask yourself, ‘how much information and scary world news am I currently taking in? And how does it make me feel?’

If it’s having a negative effect on how you feel, try to:

  • take a short break from the news
  • mute or turn off news notifications on your smartphone
  • mute or unfollow social media accounts that are reporting on it 
  • or limit your news intake to once a day

After yo...

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