General Article Vaping is Gen-Z’s new status symbol with kids as young as 12 puffing away on the sickly sweet e-cigs

Topic Selected: Vaping Book Volume: 428

By Kimberley Bond, Features Writer

Julie Fields* had a hunch one day last year that her 14-year-old son Ben* was doing something he shouldn’t be. Nothing particularly prompted her into thinking this – call it a mother’s intuition, if you will.

When he was out with friends one day, the 44-year-old checked Ben’s bedside drawer and saw two vapes tucked away.

Julie didn’t hit the roof at what she found. Instead, she removed the offending e-cigarettes – or ‘bars’ as they’re also known – and decided to wait until Ben noticed.

It took a few months until he did, and the two had a frank conversation about his newly acquired habit.

‘He said he’d been smoking them for a year, and had got them off a friend from school,’ Julie, who lives just outside Bristol, explains to ‘He said he’d only vape when stressed, and at sleepovers, but not doing it all the time, every day.’

While she was grateful for his honesty, Julie was taken aback that Ben had gotten into vaping so young, particular...

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