General Article Why it makes good business sense to hire people with disabilities

Topic Selected: Disabilities Book Volume: 393

Why it makes good business sense to hire people with disabilities

There are myriad myths about workers with disabilities. New research suggests they perform at a higher level, are absent less and are more loyal than employees without disabilities. (Shutterstock)

Catherine E. Connelly, McMaster University and Sandra L. Fisher, Münster University of Applied Sciences

Managers sometimes assume that hiring employees who live with disabilities will be more expensive. They worry that these employees will perform at a lower level, be absent more often, need expensive accommodations and will then quit.

But should managers worry about these things?

We present a way for managers to evaluate both the net costs and benefits of having employees with disabilities, and we consider all these factors. When we tested our method at one company, we found that it actually saved money by hiring people with disabilities.

To calculate the net value of employing people with disabilities, companies can ru...

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