General Article Young working-class men have suffered the most from Covid job losses – apprenticeships can help

Topic Selected: Careers and Employability Book Volume: 405

Young people are often the most impacted by recessions, and they are likely to bear the deepest scars from the Covid pandemic.

The Social Mobility Commission’s new report ‘State of the Nation: Social mobility and the pandemic 2021’ found young people were twice as likely to be working in sectors that were shut down than the rest of the workforce. Youth unemployment increased faster between Spring and Autumn 2020 than at any point since the financial crisis in 2008.

Across the entire workforce there has been a reduction in paid work of between 4 and 4.5 per cent. Young workers (aged 16-24) made up a disproportionate share of the fall in employment over the last year and were up to twice as likely than any other age group to be unemployed,

Working class men aged 16-24 especially bore the brunt of job losses – almost one in 10 lost paid work during the pandemic.

There are several worrying impacts of these trends.

Firstly, young people are likely to have lost out on valuable work experi...

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