General Article Zoom is not the worst, just getting the attention software deserves

Topic Selected: Privacy Book Volume: 383
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The rise of scrutiny of Zoom is welcome evidence that privacy and security are valued and essential as our lives and interactions become increasingly virtual.

Key findings

  • Zoom already had security challenges before the Coronavirus-caused lockdowns.
  • Massive adoption of Zoom led to more scrutiny and exposure of privacy and security issues.
  • Any software under the same scrutiny and without a strong focus on these features would have shown similar failures.
  • Communications apps and services deserve this level of scrutiny.
  • Investors, boards, and now customers must demand more from the entire industry.

A few weeks ago, its name would probably have been unknown to you. Amidst the covid-19 crisis and the lockdown it caused, Zoom has suddenly become the go-to tool for video chat and conference calling, whether it’s a business meeting, a drink with friends, or a much needed moment with your family. This intense rise in use has been financially good to the company, but it also came with a hef...

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