General Article Climate change: World has the money and the means to stop crisis but isn’t doing so, warns major UN

Topic Selected: Climate Change Book Volume: 426

The IPCC synthesis report sets out how the world can stick to its 1.5°C, but says that countries are substantially off track to meet it.

By Daniel Capurro, Environment Correspondent

The world has the money and the means to tackle climate change but still isn’t doing so, UN scientists have said after the publication of a landmark report.

Average global temperatures have already increased by 1.1°C and much of the warming for the next decade or so is already locked in because of ongoing emissions, while the impacts on sea levels are set to persist for thousands of years, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

As it stands, countries are well off course to meet the pledges they made at the Paris climate conference in 2015, when the 1.5°C target was agreed. Under currently implemented policies, the world will warm between 2.2 and 3.5 °C

Dr Hoesung Lee, the chair of the IPCC, said the world was ‘walking when we should be sprinting’.

Dr Peter Thorne, an IPPC au...

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