Read about different types of complementary therapy that some people find helpful.
Western medical acupuncture is based on current medical knowledge and evidence-based medicine. It is very similar to traditional acupuncture. This technique involves inserting sterile needles into certain ‘trigger points’ just below the skin. This is thought to stimulate the nerves and cause the release of natural chemicals into the body, which may give you a feeling of well-being. It is advised that you avoid acupuncture if you have low immunity or lymphoedema. Acupuncture is a physical therapy.
The use of natural oils extracted from plants is called aromatherapy. They are used during massage, in baths and creams or through diffusers. Many people find aromatherapy a relaxing and enjoyable experience. Aromatherapy is part of a group of therapies that use herb and plant extracts.
Art therapy
Art therapy helps you to express feelings by painting, drawing or sculpting. Being cre...
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