General Article The NHS jobsworths employed to brand kids as fat

Topic Selected: Fitness
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NHS figures for the past year show 19% of children in their final year of primary school were classed as obese, compared with 18.7% the previous year.

But obesity fell to 9.4% in children going into reception, down from 9.8% the previous year.

Apart from producing a great source of copy for the media, what is the use of these statistics?

They are produced by The National Child Measurement Programme (copyright: Tony Blair 1995). This measures all school kids when they start primary school and again as they get to the end of primary school.

The purpose, according to their website, is:

‘The information collected helps your local NHS provider to plan and provide better health services for the children in your area.’

In other words, they serve no purpose – unless ‘health services’ includes putting pressure on parents to turn their kids into anorexics.

We all know that cakes and chips are bad for our kids, don’t we? And we all know that feeding our kids healthy food is a good...

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